This proposal put forward an idea for branding an annual event taking place in Bogotá called “Opera al Parque” Opera at the park.
The local council  in charge of the annual event, ‘Oh!pera’, in Bogotá, Colombia, requested a brand that would strongly resonate with viewers and feature comedic elements. Additionally, a design and direction of various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, were also essential requirements for this project. In the brief that was developed for this project, we could find that the client needed a modern brand that mixed humor and ingenuity in the creation of the logo, without forgetting the traditional touch of the opera.
Logo &
Brand Identity
Although the Status products do not feature a brand logo, the packaging, website, print collateral, and marketing materials required certain visual mechanisms to help consumers identify the brand.

The logotype for this event was made from the word “Opera” and playing with its expressiveness. We found that the “O” could become an “OH” which is the interjection of surprise in Spanish, also “OH” is a syllable frequently used in the most famous Opera songs such as “Oh sole mio”. When finding this interesting idea, several iterations were made with the composition and finally two levels were left that make up the word “OH” and another level for “PERA”, this final composition is easy to apply and fulfills the scalability function.

“The purpose of this event is to broaden the audience, it is not just for musicians or people who like opera. The idea is to get more people to join in.”